Want to change up your stale core routine? While skinny guys have ripped desired abs without putting any effort into exercise or diet, for the rest of guys it seems like an impossible goal.

Doing hundreds of sit-ups each day won’t work your core in the same way a combination of different abs exercises can. Getting six pack abs seems to be one of the hardest areas. It is not as easy as someone may think it is. Determination, hard work and perseverance are all those things that will help you to get the desired abs.

Ditch traditional sit-ups and try our excellent, really working tips and exercises for that sculpted six-pack abs. Score amazing abs with our excellent workouts.

Best way to get ripped abs for less than 2 weeks

The question of whether it is possible to get six-pack in a week or in 2 weeks is probably the most common one. There is no such thing as a quick abs – it’s all about consistent exercise, proper diet and overall caloric expenditure. Get a nutrition and fitness plan together and follow it for at least 30 days before you expect to see good and noticeable results.

Best way to get ripped abs

Most guys when they are trying so hard to get six pack abs start doing hundreds of crunches daily. But too often that doesn’t work. The reason is simple as that. No doubt, crunches may be effective, as they may not only tone but also strengthen your abdominal muscles. However, those who will not reduce their tummy fat will not get the desired six pack abs.

The vertical chair knee raise stimulates more abdominal activity than a crunch

So how to reach the goal of getting six pack abs? What workouts, exercises and activities are the most effective? There are some efficient steps that can help you to get ripped in the fastest way.

Fastest way

Whether you have a beach vacation or a party coming up, strong abs are an essential asset which take time to acquire.

Here’s how to tone your abs fast:

  1. Diet
    Diet to get absDo you think if you work hard in a gym you get abs? Think again. No matter how many sit-ups and crunches a day you do, without a proper diet you will not achieve good results. Those who work hard trying to get ripped must eat 3 standard-sized meals and a snack between each. Include carbohydrates into your diet. It doesn’t mean you must eat French-fries, pizza, pasta, cookies or bagels. Eating 1 serving of complex carbs – like whole-grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice – for your breakfast, lunch and dinner is what can bring you “abs” success. Snack on foods that are rich in protein such as cashews, almonds, peanut-butter, low-fat yogurt and walnuts.
  2. Cardio

    Cardio to get ripped absAnother essential factor for those who want to shed extra pounds and uncover the abs beneath is weight loss. You can do it in a fast way if you involve cardiovascular exercises in your workout routine.

    Swim, run, bike at least three times a week for thirty minutes and stay active 5 days a week. Take benefits of interval training for that sculpted body.

    To get abs you must first lose your fat that is hiding your abs. It doesn’t mean you should run long distances on the treadmill. 30-minute high intensity interval training done two to three times per week is the best way to get ripped abs. Heavy compound exercises – like deadlifts, shoulder presses and squats – work you abs far harder than crunches or sit-ups.
  3. Core strength training
    Core activation exercisesStrength training is the best way to get six packs and the final stage in achieving that sculpted abs. Crunches work best on upper abs. But you also need to strengthen lower abs and oblique. This could be done with leg-lifts. Lie on a bench or a mat with your feet on the ground. Extend the legs and lift them until they are parallel with your body. Raise your legs – do it slowly – then lower the legs to the starting position. Do five sets of twenty lifts each day.

    Perform these exercises:

    • The dumbbell crunch exerciseThe dumbbell crunch: lie with your back on the floor or a mat with knees bent. Hold a lightweight dumbbell with both hands, arms extended straight above your shoulders. Exhale and slowly curl your head and upper body off the mat reaching the dumbbell – higher than your feet – toward the ceiling.
      Getting abs requires a mixture of muscle toning and fat removal
    • Low mount reverse crunches with bandLow mount reverse crunches with band: To perform this exercise you need a resistance band which should be attached to a low wall mount or wrapped around a bench. Place the band over your toes. Then lie on your back. Exhale and bend your knees toward your shoulders. Inhale and slowly lower to the starting position.
    • Clamshell crunch with ballClamshell crunch with ball: Place a stability ball between your legs. Lie back on the floor. Keep your feet just off the ground, knees bent. Place the hands behind your ears in a crunch position. To perform a double crunch, lift your shoulders off the ground and your knees into your chest. Inhale and return to start.

Excellent workout to get abs in 30 days (in a month)

Ripped abs workoutBoost and tone up your core muscles with this excellent abs in 30 days workout. Perform the routine three times weekly over the next month. You can do it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember abs require variety in reps, rest periods, exercises and use of weights.

You are to perform:

  • Leg lifts for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Scissor kicks for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Flutter kick for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Plank for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Reverse Crunch for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Mason Twist for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest.

Perform four circuits of the routine. Take ten seconds between exercises.

How to get ripped abs fast at home: Exercise motivation

Abs is the hardest part of the body to shape. The only way to get abs is to eat less fat and do cardio. Are you short of time to go to the gym? Get ripped abs at home. You can build strong abs if you will learn how to eat well in addition to abdominal training.

If you are training from your home, here are a few excellent exercises to get you started:

  1. Exercise 1: 4 count crunches4 count crunches – 10 reps.

    When performing the exercise think about your shoulder blades lifting off of the ground (mat) as you crunch.

  2. Exercise 2: CrunchesCrunches – 10 reps.

    With crunches you don’t need to lift the entire back off the floor as it is with sit-ups. You should lift only your upper back. Lie on your back on a mat, floor or carpeted surface. Keep your hands behind your head or cross them on your chest. Using your abdominal muscles raise your shoulders towards the ceiling and pause at the peak. Inhale as you lower down.

    Do your workout routine correctly as abs exercises may cause back problems. Stop if your back hurts. To avoid possible back problems exercise your back. Remember, a weak back can lead to more back problems. It is recommended to finish abs workout with back exercises.
  3. Exercise 3: Circle crunchesCircle crunches – 10 reps.

    Get in the crunch position. Bend your upper body to left for the left circle and to the right for the right circle. To make it easier make your circular movements smaller. To add challenge, make the movements bigger.

  4. Exercise 4: Reverse CrunchesReverse Crunches – 12 reps.

    Start doing the exercise with your knees being in line with your hips. Bring your knees in towards the chest and then slowly back up to the starting position. Use your hands for support at the sides.

  5. Exercise 5: Bicycle crunchesBicycle crunches – ten reps slow, eight reps fast.

    Bend your right knee in towards your chest, extend your left leg and twist your right shoulder towards the right knee. To complete 1 rep, switch the leg pattern and twist to the opposite side.

  6. Exercise 6: Straight leg lowersStraight leg lowers – 10 reps.

    Start doing the exercise with your knees being in line with your hips. Bring your knees in towards the chest. Then extend your knees up. To complete one rep lower your straight legs towards the mat. For additional support place your hands under your lower back.

  7. Exercise 7: Abs stretchAbs stretch – hold for 30 seconds.
    Extend your arms over the head and your legs out. Stretch your abs as if reaching your toes and fingertips to opposite walls. Try to breathe deeply.
  8. Oblique stretch – hold for 30 seconds.
    The exercise should be performed in a seated position.  Bring the right leg in, keeping your foot flat on the mat. Wrap the left arm around your right leg and twist to the right side. Breathe deeply. Repeat the exercise on opposite side.
  9. Exercise 9: Side plankSide plank – hold for 30 seconds.

    Place your elbow directly under the shoulder. Lift your hips up while balancing on the side of the foot and the elbow. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

    Work your core and strengthen your body with the classic plan. To perform plank hold a push-up position for 30-60 seconds. Seems too easy? Then try the star plank with your legs and arms out in an X-formation.
  10. Exercise 10: Hip liftsHip lifts – 8 reps.
    After your side plank lower back down to the floor. Lift your hips back up towards the ceiling. After that, lower back down to the floor.
  11. Swimming – 10 slow reps, hold, eight pulses.
    Extend your legs and arms while lying on the stomach. Then lift opposite leg and arm up and slowly lower down. Repeat the exercise on the other side to compete one rep.

99 % of the time, when people aren’t achieving desired six pack abs, they are making bad food choices, consuming too many calories or both. Track your progress. Not only should you write down your sets and reps but also to keep a food journal. Writing your daily progress is extremely essential. Why? It allows you to review, look back and tweak your plan.

Six pack abs – you see it on billboards, in movies and in magazines. Remember, obtaining a desirable six-pack requires a combination of tactics. If you think that by doing hundreds of crunches and sit-ups you are to lose your fat then you are wrong. Building core muscles doesn’t require a big amount of workouts. Quality is what important. Try to perform your abs exercises correctly.

Do You Hate Milk Too? Wonder How Can Anyone Like It?

Wake up, drink your milk! This was the early morning mantra for so many of us. You gave up fighting with your mom who insisted that you have a glass in the morning and a glass in the evening. If this story sounds familiar to you, then you will surely agree with us.

1. There was a fight in your household every morning over milk

Some days, you felt it was your mom’s mission in life to feed you milk. Maybe she was hoping one day you will become a superhero.


2. Bournvita/Horlicks/Coco/Elaichi nothing worked

Your mom tried everything, but failed.


3. You mastered the trick of pouring it down the drain

A single second that your mom went out of sight, you threw the milk down the drain or gave it to your dog. Hopefully you got away with it on most days.

4. Hot chocolate is not melted chocolate

You have always wondered why hot chocolate is called that when it does not resemble chocolate at all.

5. The malai on top is soooooooo sick

The malai on top would make you puke and you simply want to run out the door.

6. Your dog couldn’t stop wagging his tail in the morning

The vet wondered why the dog was getting fat. While you winked at your pet.

7. When people drink big glasses of milk, they look like aliens to you

How can somebody like milk? You just don’t get it.

8. Given a choice you will have Sandoz but no milk

Anything will do, but no milk.

9. Your nani has given up trying to feed you malai chini

She doesn’t take no for an answer and you can’t understand why she doesn’t get it.

10. You have been offered all kinds of bribes to drink milk

Toys, McDonalds and chocolates you have been offered everything.

10 Awesome Gifts To Give Your Sister On Raksha-Bandhan

1. “So Love Me Like You do….La La La” For Music Lover Sister

Gift her a docking system.

Woman Dancing

Now a days everyone has good high quality cell phones but not the music system to carry around. Choose the docking station and that’s the best gift for your sister and I am 100% she would definitely love it.

2. Main Apni Favourite Hoon! For The Fashionista

Gift her online shopping coupons.


Many times, your choice for clothes, bags, shoes, etc. goes wrong. In such a case, best is to gift her a online shopping coupon and let her enjoy her own shopping. Yippeeeeeee!!

3. Chocolate Lover Sister

Gift her a box of Custom-Made Chocolates.


Yes. You heard it right! For the sister who has an incurable sweet tooth, is there anything better than a box of custom-made chocolates?

4. Selfie Crazy Sister

Gift her the best camera-equipped smart phone.


The perfect gift if your sister is a selfie-fan and to make her more happy, add a selfie stick too. She will be on top of the world.

5. For The Fitness Freak

Buy her Nike+ Fuel Band.


If your sister is a fitness freak, she would love the Nike+ Fuel Band. This incredibly popular instrument is able to track a person’s activities and daily movements, and can also tell time.

6. Make-up Ki Dukaan….

I mean a make-up buff sister.


Many girls love make-up and if your sister is more enthusiastic about make-up, then buy her a branded make-up kit.

7. Padhaku Behan

Kindle or something!


If your sister loves to read, then the best gift this Raksha Bandhan would be to buy her an e-reader device where she can easily read any book of her choice.

8. Ghoomne Phirne Ki Shaukeen…

Love for Roads


For those sisters who love travelling and hopping here and there to know new things from world… there is nothing better than gifting her tickets of that place where she always wanted to go but couldn’t make it.

9. Singing Queen

A visit to the nearest music store would help!


If your sister is hungry for music, the most important thing to gift her is musical instrument in her hands. A desire of singing get more enhanced when you add another desire of learning music together.

Give the gift of music.

10. Dancing Doll

Some recce needed. Look around for a dance academy!


Get her admitted to the best dance academy. Would be valued as her best gift ever.

Make Rakhi more special this year with special gifts for your sister.

BEST affordable SMARTPHONES under 15000/-


#Please Read:

We believe that specifications of the phones just tell the half story, a great user experience matters more than great specifications. So, while preparing this list we have considered everything, the specifications, hardware, software (UI), real-world performance, user experience, brand value, after sales service and more. We see a phone as a complete package which should at the end deliver great satisfaction to the user and our rankings are based on the same principles. We consider every phone from biggest to the smallest brands and give our honest opinions.

1. Moto G (3rd Gen):

A great fact is that, Moto G has been the most selling product across any category on any e-commerce platform in the history of Indian e-commerce. Well, it has a glorious past but, now let’s get started with the Moto G (3rd Gen). The phone has a very simple design from the front and a very classy curvy back which has a vertical strip which houses the camera, LED flash and the Moto logo, this strip looks very beautiful and adds uniqueness in the design of the phone. The phone is very comfortable to hold in hand and offers good grip. It sports a 5 inches HD screen with 294 ppi pixel density which is decent. It is powered by Quad-core 1.4 GHz Snapdragon 410 Processor coupled with 2 GB RAM, it is definitely not for the heavy users but on a day-to-day basis it runs flawlessly and plays small to medium games very efficiently. It runs on the Latest Android 5.1.1 Lollipop with pure stock Android UI, which also makes the performance good. Great thing is that, it will always get the future Android updates that too faster than many flagship phones! For the last two Moto G’s camera was the weakest point, for the 3rd Gen it’s the strongest. It packs a 13 MP rear camera with f/2.0 aperture lens, HDR & dual-LED flash. The 5 MP front camera comes with f/2.2 lens and a Field of view (FOV) of 72 degrees. Both the cameras are really good. An icing on the cake is it is water-resistant for upto 30 minutes, this IPX7 certification is provided by no phone in the near price range. It has 16 GB internal & upto 32 GB expandable storage, Dual Sim, 4G, and a very good battery life with the 2470 mAh battery. Overall, if you are not after heavy gaming, it is a great overall device to buy, it gives you the best experience.

Moto-G-3rd-Gen---Best-Tech-Guru - Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE Rs 12,999 @
OS Android, v5.1.1 Lollipop
CPU Quad-core 1.4 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 Processor
SCREEN 5 inches, IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen with Corning Gorilla Glass 3
DISPLAY HD (720 x 1280 pixels), 294 ppi pixel density
SIM Dual Sim (GSM + LTE)
CAMERA Rear Camera: 13 MP, Flash: Dual-LED Flash | Front Camera: 5 MP, Flash: No
STORAGE Internal Storage 16 GB, microsd expandable upto 32 GB
BATTERY Non-removable Li-Ion 2470 mAh battery
BODY Weight: 155 grams, Thickness: 6.1-11.6mm (Curved Back)
OTHERS Water-resistant, 4G, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS


2. Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML (2GB RAM):

The Zenfone 5 was a hit! Looks like that piece of success has given Asus the perfect sense of market demand. I am saying this because the newly launched Asus Zenfone 2 series is excellent and pretty much delivers everything that a user desires – Good Performance, Camera, Battery Life, Design, Latest Android and an overall good User Experience. Well, the Zenfone 2 is quite well-known for its 4 GB RAM but it starts from Rs 19000. but at under 15k we have got the Zenfone 2 ZE551ML with 2GB RAM .It runs on Quad Core, 64-bit, 1.8 GHz Intel Atom Z3560 processor which is very powerful. It sports a 5.5 inches Full HD display which is very good and it is also protected with Corning Gorilla Glass 3. The phone has a 13 MP rear & 5 MP front camera, the picture quality of both the cameras is very impressive. They are bright & colourful. It allows FHD video recording & produces good quality videos. It also has Dual-LED Flash and many other features. It runs on the Android v5.0 Lollipop with Asus’s ZenUI running on top of it. It supports Dual Sim & 4G (LTE). It is good on storage and has a good 3000 mAh battery with fast charging feature. When it comes to design, the phone looks very good and more importantly it’s different from other phones in the market. Overall, the Zenfone 2 at this price is a perfect all round device.

asus_zenfone_2_ze551ml_2gb_ram - Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE Rs 14,999 @
OS Android OS, v5.0(Lollipop)
CPU Quad Core, 64-bit, 1.8 GHz Intel Atom Z3560 processor
SCREEN 5.5 inches, IPS capacitive touchscreen, Corning Gorilla Glass 3
DISPLAY 1920 x 1080 pixels, 403 ppi pixel density
CAMERA Primary Camera: 13 MP, Secondary Camera: 5 MP, Flash: Dual-LED Flash
MEMORY Internal Storage 16 GB, microSD Expandable upto 64 GB
BATTERY Non-removable Li-Po 3000 mAh battery
OTHERS 3G, 4G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, NFC


3. Samsung Galaxy J7:

Samsung is very determined to get back its share in the budget smartphone market. With the launch of the new Galaxy J5 & J7, we now see a completely refreshed line-up of phones spread across every price in the budget to mid-range segment. Among the galaxy j5 and J7, the J7 packs better features and off-course higher price. Design wise, the J7 looks good, it has got chromium bezels on the side and the plastic back with sort of matte finish, the build quality is decent. It sports a 5.5 inches HD Super AMOLED display and although it’s just 267 ppi pixel density, the Super AMOLED display is quite vibrant & colourful, it will not disappoint. It runs on Samsung’s own 1.5 GHz Exynos 7580 Octa Core Processor coupled with 1.5 GB of RAM, the phone actually has a good performance and it handles games well. Cameras have been the strength of Samsung phones, the J7 packs a 13 MP rear camera with f/1.9 aperture and the camera is very good. A great news for selfie lovers, the 5 MP front camera of the phone also comes with a LED flash and lots of tools which make it a very good phone for selfie lovers. It runs on the latest Android 5.1 Lollipop with Samsung’s Touchwiz UI on top of it. It has 16 GB internal storage which is expandable upto whooping 128 GB’s. The phone supports Dual sim and 4G. The 3000 mAh battery gives it a very good battery life. Overall, the Galaxy J7 offers all the latest features and with a great selfie camera it becomes a complete package with the trust of Samsung, a very good buy at this price. Also, the old yet powerful Galaxy s4 is also available at this price, it can still be a very good choice.


Samsung-Galaxy-J7 - Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE Rs 14,999 @
OS Android OS, v5.1 (Lollipop)
CPU 1.5 GHz Exynos 7580 Octa Core Processor
SCREEN 5.5 inches, Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen
DISPLAY HD (720 x 1280 pixels), 267 ppi pixel density
SIM Dual Sim
CAMERA Rear Camera: 13 MP, Flash: Yes | Front Camera: 5 MP, Flash: Yes
STORAGE Internal Storage 16 GB, microsd expandable upto 128 GB
BATTERY Li-Ion 3000 mAh battery
BODY Weight: 171 grams, Thickness: 7.5 mm
OTHERS 4G, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS


4. Xiaomi Mi4 (16 GB):

“Power” & “Simplicity” are the two words which describe the Mi4 entirely. It runs on the very popular and very powerful Snapdragon 801 Processor which was used in almost all the last generation flagship phones. To make the performance even greater it has got 3 GB RAM. So, there is no need to describe the performance, you yourself can imagine how fast and fabulously it will perform. It sports a 5 inches Full HD display which is also pretty good and bright. The things we should discuss in details is the camera performance of the phone. It has got the Sony IMX 214 CMOS sensor which is quite advanced. The camera quality is pretty good, it is capable of recording 4K videos, the Autofocus of the phone is pretty fast (0.3 Seconds) and decent and works quite well. The camera works quite well at night also, it has High Dynamic Flash which takes two photos one with flash and one without flash and then mixes the colors in both the photos so, the image gets natural colors. The 8 MP front camera is equally good. The battery life of the phone is very good. Its design is simple but the metallic bezels gives it a premium and stylish touch. It runs on the custom Android skin of Xiaomi which is the MIUI V6 which is quite beautiful. The Infrared blaster in the phone might be quite useful to control TV, AC, etc. Overall, it’s the beast of the phone and is certainly a great choice for camera lovers or power-hungry users but it has two downsides also – it is a single sim phone and there is only 16 GB storage which can’t be expanded, although you can go for its 64 GB version priced at 17,999 Rs. If you like the Mi 4 but dual sim is a must you can also buy a refreshed version of it – the Xiaomi Mi 4I which comes with dual-sim and also has a bigger 32 GB storage.

Xiaomi Mi4 - Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE 16 GB – Rs. 14,999 @             64 GB – Rs. 17,999 @

16 GB – Rs. 14,999 @             16 GB – Rs. 14,999 @ 

OS Android v4.4.4 (KitKat), Planned upgrade to Android v5.0 Lollipop
CPU Quad-core 2.5 GHz Qualcomm MSM8974AC Snapdragon 801 Processor
SCREEN 5.0 inches, IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen
DISPLAY 1080 x 1920 pixels, 441 ppi pixel density
SIM Single Sim (Micro-SIM)
CAMERA Rear Camera: 13 MP, Front Camera: 8 MP, LED Flash: Yes
MEMORY Internal Storage 16/64 GB, microsd unexpandable
BATTERY Non-removable Li-Ion 3080 mAh battery
OTHERS 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS

5. Lenovo Vibe X2:

This is the phone with lots of innovation. The company calls it the “World’s First Layered Smartphone”. So, let’s come straight into its layered design. The phone has uniquely designed layers which you can attach to the phone, to simplify, these layers are actually just cases or covers. The first is the battery layer or the battery case which can be considered as a power bank of 2300 mAh capacity. All you have to do is just attach it to the phone like normal covers and your phone will start charging. You can get this case on Flipkart for 1,999 Rs. Another layer for this phone is the case with built-in JBL speakers which you can attach to the phone just like the battery case. The JBL speaker layer is an actual portable speaker which connects to the Vibe X2 with Bluetooth, the speaker is very loud and it also has its own battery so the phone’s battery is not used. This case also acts like stand and holds the phone in a perfect tilted position to watch movies. The other specifications of this phone are also powerful. It has good performance with 2 GHz Octa Core MediaTek 6595M Processor coupled with 2 GB RAM. It has great Full HD display & good cameras. Overall, the Lenovo Vibe X2 offers a unique and interesting layered concept, which is actually good and the phone itself is packed with amazing features. So, it can be a very good buying choice. If battery is your main concern, at the same price the Lenovo P70 with 4,000 mAh battery can be a great choice, it just has an HD display and rest specs are powerful.

Lenovo Vibe X2 -Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE Rs   @  Rs 15,640  @  Rs    15,648.00 @ 
OS Android v4.4 (KitKat) OS, upgradable to v5.0 (Lollipop)
CPU Octa-core 2 GHz MediaTek 6595M Processor
SCREEN 5.0 inches, IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen
DISPLAY Full HD (1080 x 1920 pixels), 441 ppi pixel density
CAMERA Rear Camera: 13 MP, LED Flash: Yes | Front Camera: 5 MP, LED Flash: No
MEMORY Internal Storage 32 GB, microsd unexpandable
BATTERY Non-removable Li-Po 2300 mAh battery
BODY Weight: 120 grams, Thickness: 7.27 mm
OTHERS 4G, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS

6. XOLO Black:

The Xolo Black is Xolo’s most promising smartphone until now. If we talk about the design, the phone looks stunning, it has rounded corners, Corning Gorilla Glass 3 covers both the front and the back of the phone. On the back, the placement of  two cameras and the LED Flash in between them looks amazing, the power button & volume rockers are placed very nicely on the side of the phone, the power button also has breathing light for notifications which looks very stylish. The phone feels very premium and scores full marks in design. The XOLO Black sports a 5.5 inches Full HD display with 403 ppi pixel density and the display is awesome. It runs on 1.5 Ghz Octa-Core 64-bit 2nd Gen Qualcomm  Snapdragon 615 Processor coupled with 2 GB RAM which has good performance, the phone can handle mid level games pretty well although it lags a little in heavy games. The best part of the phone is the dual camera setup on the rear. The Xolo Black has two rear cameras of 13 MP & 2 MP and both work simultaneously, the 13 MP camera captures the subject while the 2 MP camera is used to capture the Depth and the final image is the combination of both. The rear camera comes with features like fast focus (0.15 sec), Ubifocus™ (you can change the focus after clicking images) & ChromaFlash™ (snaps two shots, one with flash and one without). These features promise a lot and the picture quality is good but could have been even better. The 5MP front camera also comes with front LED Flash. It runs on latest Android 5.0 Lollipop with beautiful HIVE UI on top of it. The phone has a great 3200 mAh battery. Overall, the Xolo Black is a very good package, it has a great design and good features and can be a good buying choice.

Xolo-Black Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE Rs 12,999 @
OS Android v5.0 (Lollipop) with HIVE UI
CPU 1.5 Ghz Octa-Core 64-bit Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 (2nd gen) Processor
SCREEN 5.5 inches, IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen with Corning Gorilla Glass 3
DISPLAY Full HD (1080 x 1920 pixels), 403 ppi pixel density
SIM Dual Sim (GSM + LTE)
CAMERA Rear Camera: 13 MP + 2MP (Dual camera), Flash: Yes | Front Camera: 5 MP, Flash: Yes
STORAGE Internal Storage 16 GB, microsd expandable upto 32 GB
BATTERY Li-Po 3200 mAh battery
BODY Weight: NA, Thickness: 7.3 mm
OTHERS 4G, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS


7. HTC Desire 626G Plus:

Beautiful!!! This is the feeling you get when you first see the phone. The HTC Desire 626G Plus carries forward the new design trend of the mid ranged HTC devices like the Desire 826. It has a plastic build but the phone’s design is awesome and you can fall in love with it instantly. It’s not only beautiful from outside but the HTC Sense UI is also pretty beautiful. The phone is also good when it comes to the hardware which runs the phone. It sports an Octa-core 1.7 GHz Cortex-A53 Mediatek MT6752 Processor and 1 GB of RAM which runs the phone smoothly but, it’s not for heavy usage. It has 5 inches HD screen and the display quality is decent. In the HTC Desire 626G Plus, HTC has increased the rear camera from 8 MP in the Desire 620 to 13 MP, it also has a 5 MP front camera and both the cameras of the phone are very good. It supports dual sim but doesn’t have 4G (LTE) which its competitors are offering at the same price. It has got a 2000 mAh battery which gives acceptable battery life, 8 GB of internal storage which can be expanded upto 32 GB. One thing to note is that, the back of the phone is glossy so it attracts fingerprints easily. Overall, if you want a good designed phone with decent performance from among the top brands then this can also be a good choice. HTC also offers bigger 5.5 inches HTC Desire 816G Plus (Octa Core), it can also be a good choice if you want the design of HTC with a bigger screen.

HTC Desire 626G Plus - Best Tech Guru - Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE Rs.   @  Rs.  14,097  @ 
OS Android OS, v4.4.4 (KitKat)
CPU Octa-core 1.7 GHz Cortex-A53 Mediatek MT6752 Processor
SCREEN 5.0 inches, Capacitive touchscreen
DISPLAY 720 x 1280 pixels, 294 ppi pixel density
SIM Dual Sim, GSM + UMTS
CAMERA Primary Camera: 13 MP, Secondary Camera: 5 MP, Flash: YES
MEMORY Internal Storage 8 GB, microSD expandable upto 32 GB
BATTERY Li-Ion 2000 mAh battery
OTHERS 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS

8. Micromax Canvas Knight 2:

Micromax has launched the next version of the popular Canvas Knight named as the Canvas Knight 2. The first thing to notice about the phone is its stunning design. The phone measures just 6.3 mm of thickness and it has an all metal and glass build as it has got Corning Gorilla Glass 3 on both the front and back of the phone while the bezels of the phone are metallic. This gives a premium design and look to the phone and at the same time it feels very good in the hands so, it scores full marks in design. When it comes to performance, the Knight 2 is powered by the powerful 64-bit Qualcomm Snapdragon Octa core 615 processor coupled with 2 GB RAM. This makes the performance of the phone very good, it runs smoothly without any lags. The 5 inch display of the phone comes with Amoled HD display well its good but seeing the tough competition, a Full HD screen would have done wonders for Micromax. The phone runs on the Android Lollipop 5.0 with nearly stock UI. It sports an impressive 13 MP rear camera which comes with Sony IMX214 CMOS sensor and the phone also comes with 5 MP front camera which comes with lots of modes to get a perfect selfie. The phone supports 4G and dual sim. It has 16 GB internal storage which is expandable upto 32 GB but the microSD card uses the sim 2 slot so you can either use the second sim or the microSD card at a time. The phone packs a 2260 mAh battery which is expected to deliver decent battery life. Overall, the phone packs decent features and a great design so, if you are looking for a greatly designed slim phone then the Canvas Knight 2 can be a good choice. The older but powerful Micromax Canvas Gold with Full HD display is also available at this price.

Micromax-canvas-knight-2-Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE Rs  15,768  @  Rs 14,799  @ 
OS Android OS, v5.0 (Lollipop)
CPU 64-bit Octa-core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm MSM8939 Snapdragon 615 Processor
SCREEN 5.0 inches, AMOLED capacitive touchscreen with Corning Gorilla Glass 3
DISPLAY 720 x 1280 pixels, 294 ppi pixel density
SIM Dual Sim
CAMERA Primary Camera: 13 MP, Secondary Camera: 5 MP, Flash: dual-LED flash
MEMORY Internal Storage 16 GB, microSD expandable upto 32 GB (uses SIM 2 slot)
BATTERY Non-removable Li-Ion 2260 mAh battery
OTHERS 3G, 4G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS

9. Lava Pixel V1 (Android One 2.0):

The Pixel V1 is Lava’s first Android One phone and it is the first phone among the 2nd generation of Android One phones in India. For your information, last year Google in partnership with local manufacturers like Micromax, Karbonn & Spice launched its Android One program in India, which has the motive to provide a pure Android experience with decent hardware certified by Google itself and regular Android updates at a very low price. Although the 1st generation Android One phones din’t received a huge response. The Lava Pixel V1 is much improved over the early Android One phones. It has a simple design but decent build quality, it has a 76.3% screen-to-body ratio which makes the phone compact also, it weighs just 135 grams. It packs a bigger 5.5 inches HD display with 267 ppi pixel density, the display quality is decent. The screen is protected by Dragontrail Glass from Asahi. It runs on 1.3 GHz Quad Core Processor coupled with 2 GB RAM, it delivers decent day-to-day performance but it isn’t built for heavy usage. The phone runs on the latest Android 5.1.1 with stock Android UI and the best part of Android One is that, you get guaranteed upgrade to the latest Android OS for the next 2 years. The Pixel V1 has a 13 MP BSI rear camera with f/2.0 aperture, 5P Largan lens and blue glass filter, the picture quality is good. Interestingly, it has 8 MP BSI front camera with f/2.4 aperture, 4P Largan lens and blue glass filter, it also has a good selfie quality. It comes with 32 GB internal storage which is also expandable upto 32 GB. It supports dual sim but misses out on 4G. The 2650 mAh battery gives decent battery life to the phone. Overall, it is a good phone and packs some interesting features but the competition is fierce, you can get the Moto G (3rd Gen) at around the same price which delivers the same pure Android Experience in a better manner but, it still can be a good buying choice.

Lava-Pixel-V1 - Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

PRICE Rs   @ Rs.11,349.00  @ 
OS Android OS, v5.1.1 (Lollipop)
CPU 1.3 GHz Quad Core Processor
SCREEN 5.5 inches, IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen protected with Dragon Trail Glass
DISPLAY HD (720 x 1280 pixels), 267 ppi pixel density
SIM Dual Sim
CAMERA Rear Camera: 13 MP, Flash: Yes | Front Camera: 8 MP, Flash: No
STORAGE Internal Storage 32 GB, microsd expandable upto 32 GB
BATTERY 2650 mAh Li-Polymer battery
BODY Weight: 135 grams, Thickness: 8.5 mm
OTHERS 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS


10. InFocus M810:

InFocus the American company which has partnered with Foxconn to produce its smartphones has recently entered in India with some correctly priced quality smartphones spread across every budget price segment. The InFocus M810 is another interesting product from the company. It comes with a stunning metallic design with the Corning Gorilla Glass 3 covering the front and the back of the phone, it has a thickness of just 6.9 mm. The phone’s design is very premium and detailed, the circular power button of the phone looks very beautiful. It has got a 5.5 inches Full HD screen with 401 ppi pixel density. A great thing about the phone is, it comes with the 2.5 GHz Snapdragon 801 Processor, which needs no introduction. It is immensely powerful and is well-respected. The phone comes with 2 GB RAM. The M810 has decent 13 MP rear and 5 MP front cameras. It comes with Sony Exmor R Sensor and f/2.2 aperture lens. The phone has 16 GB internal storage which is expandable upto 64 GB. It runs on Android Lollipop with the company’s InLife UI. The phone comes with 4G but bad news is that it is a single sim device. The phone is powered by a 2600 mAh lithium-ion battery. Overall, the phone is very powerful and comes with great design, it’s a good package but there are many phones in this list which provide all the powerful hardware and even the great design so, going with the more established brands will be a good idea but if you like this phone, you can go with it, it is a good buy.

InFocus-M810 - Best Android Phones under 15000 Rs

OS Android 5.x Lollipop
CPU 2.5 GHz Snapdragon 801 MSM8974AC Processor
SCREEN 5.5 inches, LTPS-TFT LCD touchscreen protected with Corning Gorilla Glass 3
DISPLAY Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels), 401 ppi pixel density
SIM Single SIM
CAMERA Rear Camera: 13 MP, Flash: Yes | Front Camera: 5 MP, Flash: No
STORAGE Internal Storage 16 GB, microsd expandable upto 64 GB
BATTERY 2600 mAH lithium-ion battery
BODY Weight: 154 grams, Thickness: 6.9 mm
OTHERS 4G, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS